Accueil Thèmatiques Media freedom and pluralism

Media freedom and pluralism

Protecting the independence and diversity of media in Europe both online and offline for public service media to thrive


Covering our work with the EU and international bodies on securing media independence and the protection of journalists, the key initiative in this area is the EU’s flagship legislation, the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). 

The EMFA is an opportunity for Europe to spell out the key principles that will shield media and journalists from threats and interference, both online and offline. The EBU supports the EMFA’s objective to promote the independence and pluralism of media in Europe.

To ensure that the EMFA will help to tackle threats to media independence and improve audiences’ ability to access the media that matters most to them we advocate for:  

  • Enhancing the independence of public service media
  • Promoting the prominence of general interest media services
  • Empowering users to identify media service providers
  • Putting limitations on platforms’ meddling with media content
  • Ensuring access to audience measurement for media service providers

Media services cannot be treated like any other business. The outcome of the EMFA legislative process must preserve a dynamic that respects the uniqueness of the media sector, its pluralism and independence from interference, whether by governments or online platforms. 


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Thomas Bergmann

Parliament negotiations

Conseiller aux affaires européennes

+32 2 286 91 03

Jenny Weinand

Media freedom online

Juriste senior

+41 22 717 2420

Alexandre Fall

Governance and funding

Juriste Senior

+41 22 717 2509

Isabelle Dochy

Journalist safety

Conseillère aux affaires européennes

+32 (0) 2 286 91 18