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Artificial Intelligence

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At the EBU, we remain committed to responsible innovation and to creating a trustworthy artifical intelligence (AI) environment that delivers the best outcomes for all audiences. We are supporting broadcasters to collectively tackle the burning questions by leading a strategic initiative on this subject. On this page, you will find a comprehensive array of resources, groups, news, events and training courses. Sign up to our newsletter to be kept up to date on latest developments.

What we are doing this year:

  • We will showcase the most advanced Members in AI and their AI Strategies, creating a set of recommendations and sharing best practice at our events and annual AI Summit.

  • We will define a common direction to exert influence on AI tech players to realize the best possible outcome for PSM and our audiences.

  • We will help shape legislation to support PSM and safeguard our position in the market. We will also support Members in understanding these regulatory developments and their implications with handbooks, explainers, and briefings.

  • A detailed report on the impact of generative AI on our newsrooms will be published in June while, later in the year, we’ll work with stakeholders to launch an EBU AI media literacy campaign. Our AI Ethics group - which has created a repository of Members ethical guidelines - is also collating learnings on this topic and on other ethical considerations of AI.

  • Together we can learn from each other and inspire the network to use the best of AI to amplify our teams’ creativity. We’ll launch a new repository of ideas on the creative use of AI for content production and audience engagement.

  • Building on the existing know-how of the EBU Academy, we launched our School of AI with a portfolio of products designed to offer our members the most up-to-date tailored learning.

  • We want to tap into the knowledge and resources of our network and foster collaborative AI developments. We’re working with Members and others to develop a new European Media Space, verification tools like vera.ai, and an AI Media Hub and we’ll share knowledge and expertise at leading events such as the Production Technology Seminar and Data Technology Seminar. We also collectively develop impactful AI and data projects and products – such as EuroVOX, PEACH and NEO.


Download reports and research, or watch video talks on everything from driving AI journalism to personalizing audience experiences to debating ethical dilemmas.



Generative AI and Public Service Media

In 2024, the EBU designated AI a strategic priority and is supporting its Members to implement AI tools knowledgably, effectively, and in the best interests of audiences. In this new publication, the EBU communities of News, Technology & Innovation, Digital, and Legal & Policy have extracted the hot button topics around generative AI for public service media. The text notes the potential positive and negative impacts of generative AI on public service media’s ability to function properly and calls for a coordinated approach covering: data use, source attribution and display, as well as prominence / verification. 

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Public Service Media AI Strategies

While we've seen many data-driven developments, the emergence of generative AI is somewhat surprising. It's yet another disruption in a long line of shifts impacting media. EBU is steadfast in its commitment to serve as a guiding light for Members in this complex area. AI impacts all workflows and must, therefore, be approached holistically. We should not consider AI strategies, but integrate AI into our overall strategies. This paper brings together the early learnings of some of our Members: 10 tangible tips that almost read as a checklist.

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Artificial Intelligence - Public Service Media Leveraging AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the public debate. With the impact of AI set to become so great, the Media Intelligence Service (MIS) has produced this report to provide clearer insights into how PSM organizations are grappling with the fast-growing AI market. So far, PSMs have been quick to respond to advances in Generative AI, with 76% having updated their business strategy since the release of ChatGPT. Find out who the main players are, the challenges ahead, and the AI state of play in PSM organizations. You can take a closer look at AI usage for PSM, specifically strategy, level of usage, ethics, staff and budget dedicated...

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Generative AI, News and Audiences: A need-to-know-now briefing for public service media

The recent acceleration in the capabilities and availability of generative AI tools means they're likely to have a significant impact on the production and distribution of news content. The EBU has created a cross-departmental and cross-committee task force to study the topic. Initiated by the News and Digital committees, and coordinated by the AI and Data Initiative (AIDI), the EBU Task Force on Generative AI consists of representatives from the News Committee, Digital Committee and Technical Committee, together with the departments of Technology & Innovation, News, Media, and Legal & Policy, as well as expert members. Together, the EBU Task...

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Amadeus ex machina? RTVE's double blind trial of AI-composed classical music

Why does one piece music reduce us to tears, while another induces downright revulsion? Science has no satisfactory answer to this question but, unquestionably, when we evaluate a piece of literature, art, drama, dance, or music, it’s our feelings that cast the deciding vote. Last year, Spanish public broadcaster RTVE sought to shed light on musical preference by having a symphony orchestra perform AI-generated music to an unwitting audience. Can machine-written music speak to the human soul? And how else might AI be utilized to enhance RTVE’s audience experience?

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How artificial intelligence got SVT dancing to its own beat

Everywhere, people are talking about the potential of artificial intelligence to help us, hurt us, and change the world. AI is already a decisive force in many settings, including children’s TV production at SVT, where executive producer Calle Gisselsson is using several off-the-shelf tools to make children’s content. In less than a year, Calle and his team have taught themselves how to use AI to make original, audience-pleasing content in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost. But laws governing AI are lagging, which means the technology carries unknowns that force Public Service Media (PSM) TV makers to be ultra-wary about how...

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The sky’s the limit: Canadian filmmakers exploring the boundless potential of Sora

Picture a machine that can turn your weirdest imaginings into lifelike films that the whole world can watch. That machine is real, and its name is Sora. Ask it to show you ‘a drunk horse, dressed as a priest in high heels, running clumsily on a treadmill and laughing’, and in seconds the ridiculous, borderline blasphemous clip will appear. AI watchers are prone to breathless prophecies of seismic change. But when it comes to Sora, the generative text-to-video platform that OpenAI unleashed this year, they’re almost certainly right. Doubters need only marvel for a moment at this extraordinary YouTube gallery of hallucinogenic Sora creations. As...

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The EBU's AI and Data Group is a community of Members that drives the direction of our many AI activities. We also offer many groups that cover specific areas of AI as it pertains to media. Members can join these communities to access even more presentations, brainstorming sessions, email updates and direct conversations with peers on the latest developments.

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AI Lead

Jean Philip De Tender

Deputy Director General, Director of Media

+41 22 717 2068
AI Strategy

Madiana Asseraf-Jacob

Head of Corporate Development and Strategic Initiatives

+41 22 717 2230
AI Strategy and Ethics

Lalya Gaye

AI and Data Initiative Coordinator, EBU Lead for vera.ai project

AI Ethics and News

Justyna Kurczabinska

Head of News Strategy and Transformation

+41 22 717 2846
AI Regulation

François Lavoir

Senior EU Policy Adviser

Production & Distribution

Hans Hoffmann

Senior Manager of Media Fundamentals and Production

+41 22 717 2746

Wouter Quartier

Head of Digital, Transformation & Platforms

PEACH and NEO Lead

Sébastien Noir

Head of Software Engineering

AI R&D and Data Science

Alexandre Rouxel

Senior Project Manager

+41 22 717 2473
EBU Academy AI Lead

Hélène Rauby-Matta

Business Development Manager

+41 22 717 24 21