Art's Birthday

Self portrait of Robert Filliou
Self portrait of Robert Filliou

Art's Birthday is a celebration in memory of Fluxus artist Robert Filliou who declared, on 17 January 1963, that Art had been born exactly 1,000,000 years ago when someone dropped a dry sponge into a pail of water. Ten years later he celebrated Art's 1,000,010th birthday at the Neue Galerie, Aachen. This international event, which takes place every year on 17 January, is a highlight on the annual Ars Acustica agenda.

From 19.00 to midnight UTC on 17 January 2024, 17 contributors across 13 countries will offer a constant stream of radio art. Details about this shared broadcast event along with information on individual contributions are available on this page.




Elana Solomon
Project Manager, Classical and Pop
+44 75 53 14 29 14