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Post-Elections: EU policymakers must commit to safeguarding Europe’s media sector

10 June 2024
Post-Elections: EU policymakers must commit to safeguarding Europe’s media sector

As the dust settles on the recent European elections, the EBU calls upon newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to prioritize the the health and well-being of Europe’s media landscape. In the wake of election campaigns marked by significant challenges to media freedom and plurality, it is imperative that policymakers take decisive steps to secure the future of a free and independent public service media. 

The EBU has consistently advocated for policies that uphold the principles of media freedom, independence, and pluralism as cornerstones of democracy. We stress the importance of a diverse media sector to foster an informed public and underpin democracy. 

Wouter Gekiere, Head of the Brussels Office, EBU, said: “We urge the newly elected MEPs to do the next right thing for media and democracy. It is essential that policymakers commit to concrete actions that will safeguard media integrity both offline and online. Our media sector is facing unprecedented challenges, and it is the duty of our elected representatives to ensure that it remains resilient and capable of serving the public interest.” 

The EBU’s priorities for the new EU mandate are:

  1. Safeguard independent media and journalists 
    The EU must ensure that Member States respect the Rule of Law and properly implement EU laws which aim at protecting the freedom of the media in Europe, such as the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA).  

  2. Ensure that people cannot miss media that matters 
    The EU must ensure that national or regional authorities mandate appropriate prominence of general interest media to ensure that they are easy to find or discover. 

  3. Walk the talk with holding big tech accountable 
    The EU has the Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA) and EMFA. These new obligations must be well implemented and enforced.  

  4. Build a toolbox for AI and the media 
    The EU should work towards a comprehensive approach to generative AI that sustains and protects media content while also offering guarantees for audience trust. 

In this new mandate, the EBU calls on EU decision makers to keep media related topics high on the EU political agenda and to ensure that the structural means to advance them are in place. This is essential for coherent and effective application of existing legislation and for new actions to safeguard a thriving media sector in Europe. 

As the new parliamentary term begins in the autumn, the EBU remains committed to working with MEPs and other stakeholders to advance these priorities and ensure that Europe’s media sector continues to thrive in service of democracy and the public good. 

Relevant links and documents


Andrea Campbell

Brussels Communications Lead